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The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Device Architecture, formerly known as the DCP Framework, provides a comprehensive set of protocols for seamless communication between controllers, known as control points, and devices within a networked environment. These protocols include essential functions such as device discovery, description, control, event notification, and presentation.
- Raspberry Pi as UPnP Client
- UPnP ready Router
- Internet access device (Mobile Phone)
- Enable UPnP on Router
- Connect Raspberry Pi with Router
- Check external IP (curl https://ipecho.net/plain ; echo)
- Check internal IP on Raspberry Pi (ifconfig)
- Install miniupnpc client on Raspberry Pi (sudo apt-get install miniupnpc)
- Set up port forwarding on Router via Raspberry Pi miniupnpc Client (upnpc- a <internalIpRaspberryPi> <internalPort> <externalPort> TCP)
- Set up index.html on Raspberry Pi and start http server in the same directory (python3 -m http.server <internalPort>)
- Access external IP and Port with any Browser from outside the network (http://<externalIP>:<externalPort>)