Raspberry Pi: NAS Server

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This Documentation is a step by step guidance to convert your Raspberry Pi into a NAS Server for your Home Network.


  • at least Raspberry Pi 3B+


Step 1: Updating the package repositories of your system

 sudo apt update 
 sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Symbian

 sudo apt install samba samba-common-bin

Step 3: Create the NAS folder

Option 1: Use the MicroSD Storage

sudo mkdir /home/SharedDirectory

Option 2: Use an externally mounted USB Drive

Searching for Mountable USB drives:

sudo fdisk -l

Create a mount folder:

mkdir /media/usb-drive

Mount the USB Drive

mount /dev/<device name> /media/usb-drive/

Step 3: Configure Samba

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Add these lines and modify them as you need:
 [Drive Name]
 comment = comment
 writeable = Yes
 browseable = yes
 path = /home/SharedDirectory
 create mask = 0660 
 directory mask = 0771 
 public = yes
[Drive Name] The Displayed folder name
comment A comment to the drive
writeable 'yes' for read and write and 'no' for read only
browseable Specifies if the Drive is visible in your network
path The directory which gets used for the NAS server
create mask The Unix Permissions for new created files
directory mask The Unix Permissions for new created folders
public Allows everybody to access the NAS server. Use 'valid users' to restrict access

Optional step: Create a folder that gets cleared periodically

This folder is meant if you want to transfer data form one machine to another without using an flash drive.

sudo mkdir /home/SharedDirectory/TemporaryFilesDirectory

Make an corn job to periodically delete the Directory content.

crontab -e 
m h dom mon dow command
0 *  *   *   *  rm /home/SharedDirectory/TemporaryFilesDirectory/*.* 

This specific cronjob will be exicuted at the sart of every hour. You can choose your prefereds timeslots by editing the '0' and '*'

Used Hardware

Raspberry Pi 3B+
