Awox CamLight Pentest

From Embedded Lab Vienna for IoT & Security
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DRAFT - This is a report on pentest - the information gathering and vulnerability scans - performed on Awox CamLight.


  • Operating system: Kali Linux 2021.1 amd64, Parrot Security 4.10 amd64
  • AWOX CamLight Hardware
  • AWOX CamLight Smartphone application (IOS or Android)

Disclaimer: all possible examples and tests done have been done in VMWare in a Kali Linux and ParrotOS VM.


In an effort to evaluate the Awox CamLight and perform a pentest, there are certain steps to be followed. A penetration test in general consists of several stages:

  • Planning and reconnaissance

This is where the attacker/tester gets familiar with the target and gathers as much information as possible. Finding out what the network topology is (in case of networks), what the IP addresses, domain details or possible mail servers are etc.

  • Scanning

This is the phase where you interact with the target, in our case the target host CamLight. Probes are sent to the target and responses are recorded. This includes scanning the target with various scanning tools, identification of open ports, services that are running and much more. The goal is to identify vulnerable ports, functions or services.

  • Gaining Access

In this step the vulnerabilities are exploited to gain access to the target. However, not all vulnerabilities will lead to this stage, only those exploitable enough to grant access to the target host.

  • Maintaining access

For example to make sure that access is maintained after reboot or modifications of the target. This would be the case for attackers whose goal is to stay in a system and collect information over longer periods of time to catch the perfect moment to exploit.

  • Exploitation

This would be the stage where an attacker/tester does the "actual damage". The goal is to get their hands on data, compromise a system, launch various attacks etc. During authorized penetration testing, this will take place in a very controlled environment.

  • Evidence collection and reporting

This is the stage where the results of the penetration test are collected, evaluated and handed in to whoever ordered the security evaluation.

In this pentest, the focus lies on information gathering and vulnerability scans of the target host, with possible attempts to exploit the vulnerabilities found.

Planning and reconnaissance

To list the known information about the camera, first step would be to find out, how it works and what are the specifications from the vendor. It should be noted that the camera can no longer be found in the AwoX official store, which would indicate that it is no longer sold, and therefore there isn't much information on the vendor's page, only the resellers. A brief documentation of the camera can also be found here. The camera connects over WiFi. You set it up in your home/office with your smartphone app and let it connect to the same WiFi that your phone is using. Disclaimer: The IOS AwoX CamLightapp does NOT work. If you own an IOS smartphone, you could still try the app, but if it doesn't work for you, the way to go would be to install an android emulator on your PC and then download the android there and perform the connection setup through there, since the app seems to no longer work properly for IOS - the reason for this could possibly be that the Camera is no longer sold, thus the application is no longer kept up to date.
To gather information about the camera itself, we need it to be connected to power and to WiFi and have your scanning tools (in our case the Kali Linux VM) available to access devices in that subnet. The IP address of the camera in this demonstration will be, which was concluded from excluding all the other known devices on the network and also turning the camera on and off to see which IP address is new.


Starting with nmap, the following results have been gathered:
$ sudo nmap -O

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.043s latency).
Not shown: 996 closed ports
23/tcp   open  telnet
554/tcp  open  rtsp
843/tcp  open  unknown
5001/tcp open  commplex-link
MAC Address: 7C:DD:90:AF:4E:7D (Shenzhen Ogemray Technology)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X|3.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3
OS details: Linux 2.6.32 - 3.5
Network Distance: 1 hop

$sudo nmap -sA

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (1.1s latency).
All 1000 scanned ports on are unfiltered
MAC Address: 7C:DD:90:AF:4E:7D (Shenzhen Ogemray Technology)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.67 seconds

Used Hardware

AwoX CamLight
