Bluetooth Sniffing with Ubertooth: A Step-by-step guide

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This is a tutorial on how to sniff Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packets using the Ubertooth One, 2.4 GHz wireless development platform device. This guide will detail the setup process and outline every step to capture a BLE connection. Furthermore, it will provide methods of bluetooth hacking, i.e cracking the encryption of a BLE connection and overwriting characteristics of a device. This tutorial is created in regard to the seminar paper: File:Pentesting in IoT Bluetooth Sniffing.pdf


BLE Fundamentals

Fundamentals of the BLE Standard can be found at the BLE Fundamentals documentation.

Capturing BLE packets

Step 1 - Prerequisites

Ubertooth One offers a well-documented GitHub-repository [1]. Follwowing its instructions, the device's tools require several components. To fulfill the demands, one has to install:

sudo apt-get install cmake libusb-1.0-0-dev make gcc g++ libbluetooth-dev pkg-config python3-numpy python3-qtpy

In contrast to the guide, the python-pyside component needs to be installed separately using the pip-installer:

pip install pyside2

In order to for Ubertooth tools to decode Bluetooth packets the Bluetooth baseband library (libbtbb) needs to be downloaded and installed:

wget -O libbtbb-2018-12-R1.tar.gz
tar -xf libbtbb-2018-12-R1.tar.gz
cd libbtbb-2018-12-R1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Following that, the Ubertooth tools can be downloaded from the GitHub repository. They include host code, which enables sniffing Bluetooth packets. Additionally, they provide means to configure the Ubertooth device, including a simplified method for a firmware update.

tar xf ubertooth-2018-12-R1.tar.xz
cd ubertooth-2018-12-R1/host
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

The Wireshark Bluetooth Baseband (BTBB) and Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) plugins facilitate the analysis of Bluetooth baseband traffic that has been captured within the Wireshark GUI. The plugins need to be installed both separately from the libbtbb library. For the BTBB plugin the following commands have been used:

sudo apt-get install wireshark wireshark-dev libwireshark-dev cmake
cd libbtbb-2018-12-R1/wireshark/plugins/btbb
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wireshark/libwireshark3/plugins ..
sudo make install

It is important to state that the MAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR directory can vary depending on the OS used and the wireshark installation. However, it should be the directory of existing Wireshark plugins. The procedure needs to be repeated for the BR/EDR plugin.

cd libbtbb-2018-12-R1/wireshark/plugins/btbredr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wireshark/libwireshark3/plugins ..
sudo make install

Step 2 - Verification & Firmware Update

After installing the prerequisits, the Ubertooth One device was plugged in through a USB port. It is of utmost importance to operate the Ubertooth One with the antenna attached to it. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the device. After inserting the device, verify that the system detects it:


This will display information about USB buses in the system and the devices connected to them:

Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 04f2:b595 Chicony Electronics Co., Camera
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 138a:003f Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS495
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 8087:0a2b Intel Corp.
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1ea7:0064 SHARKOON Technologies 2.4G Mouse
Bus 001 Device 014: ID 1d50:6002 OpenMoko, Inc. Ubertooth One
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Upon first operation of the Ubertooth One it is necessary to update its firmware. The tools, which were downloaded before, facilitate a simplified way to achieve this task. Change the directory to the firmware directory of Ubertooth and execute the following command:

ubertooth-dfu -d bluetooth_rxtx.dfu -r

If the update is successful, this output will be produced:

Switching to DFU mode...
Checking firmware signature

To verify the firmware-version enter the following command:

ubertooth-util -v

Step 3 - Ubertooth Spectrum Analyzer

It is recommended to validate the functionality of the Ubertooth device via the spectrum analyzer, which is a tool to analyze the 2.4GHz band. Specifically, it provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool named ubertooth-specan-ui, which visually monitors the frequencies. This command will start the spectrum analyzer:


Once successful, you can see the analyzer work its task through a powerful GUI:

Ubertooth Spectrum Analyzer.png

In this case the figure shows several 802.11b networks in different channels, represented by green amplitudes. The white amplitudes depict beacons that are visible during scanning. The red lines adjust to different centers of frequency channels in the 2.4GHz radio band.

Step 4 - Intercepting Lower Address Part (LAP) Packets

The BD_ADDR makes the allocation of sniffed Bluetooth packets possible. The Ubertooth One can start the LAP scan with this command:


A continuous output will follow on the console:

systime=1578428685 ch=26 LAP=3a5138 err=1 clkn=8355 clk_offset=5199 s=-80 n=-55 snr=-25
systime=1578428688 ch=26 LAP=3a5138 err=1 clkn=18479 clk_offset=5628 s=-81 n=-55 snr=-26
systime=1578428692 ch=43 LAP=3a5138 err=2 clkn=28967 clk_offset=6029 s=-80 n=-55 snr=-25
systime=1578428692 ch=47 LAP=3a5138 err=2 clkn=30327 clk_offset=6069 s=-81 n=-55 snr=-26
systime=1578428694 ch=52 LAP=3a5138 err=1 clkn=36948 clk_offset=87 s=-79 n=-55 snr=-24
systime=1578428696 ch=53 LAP=3a5138 err=0 clkn=42360 clk_offset=302 s=-77 n=-55 snr=-22

In the output ch represents the channel used by the device referenced in the LAP value. The channel hopping is clearly comprehensible. Clkn indicates the master`s clock, while s references the signal strength and n states the value of noise. Following that the snr value represents the signal-to-noise ratio. This mode is especially helpful for undiscoverable devices, because it can calculate a BD_ADDR through the LAP in combination with the other parameters.

Alternatively, if the devices are discoverable, you can use the BLE scan of hcitools:

sudo hcitool lescan

Among eventual other devices you should see the BLE devices you are testing, in this case the thermostat and the fitness tracker:

D5:AA:D0:41:A3:60 Mi Smart Band 4
78:A5:04:62:71:3D TepHeatB

Step 5 - The Ubertooth-BTLE Tool

One of the most powerful tools the Ubertooth One provides is the Bluetooth Low Energy sniffing mode. Among other things, it can sniff and follow connections and even interfere with them. In the "follow" mode, Ubertooth listens on one of the three advertising channels. Once a BLE connection is established (on the advertising channel the device has been listenting to), Ubertooth will follow the hops along the data channels capturing the transmissions between the devices. Per default, Ubertooth can be used to follow any connection it observes randomly. Naturally, the device can be restricted to observe a specific device by providing the BD_ADDR of the device in question. The general syntax of the corresponding command for "follow" mode looks like:

ubertooth-btle -f <BD_ADDR>

Simply replace the BD_ADDR with the address you found out earlier:

ubertooth-btle -f 78:A5:04:62:71:3D

This will produce a continuous output in the console.

Furthermore, it is possible to redirect the output into a file or a pipe. To achieve this, the syntax requires this generic command:

ubertooth-btle -f <BD_ADDR> -c <file or pipe>

Step 6 - Wireshark Analysis

It is also possible to analyze the captured BLE packets in Wireshark. For this purpose create a pipe via:

mkfifo /tmp/pipe

Following that, a new interface needs to be added to Wireshark in order to use the just created pipe.

Wireshark manage interface.png

For this, the custom pipe /tmp/mypipe was added to the list of interfaces.

Wireshark add pipe.png

Now repeat the command from Step 5, but now with a redirected ouput to the pipe:

ubertooth-btle -f 78:A5:04:62:71:3D -c /tmp/pipe

Select the custom interface you have just created in Wireshark to be able to analyze packtets with enhanced visibility and additional information.

Wireshark Thermo ConnectReq.png

Exploiting BLE

After capturing the data it is possible to use additional third party tools in combination with Ubertooth to obtain critical information. In the following this is outlined through the utilization of the tools crackle and gatttool.


Crackle is a tool that attempts to decrypt BLE Encryption. Crackle is the right tool if you have captured a connection based on BLE Legacy Pairing. It can not decrypt LE Secure Connections based transmissions. Note that even if you are using Kali Linux the pre-installed version of crackle may be out of date without any possibility to update it through the respective repositories. It is recommended that you use the master branch from crackle GitHub-repository [2].

git clone
cd crackle

Now you can use the latest version of the tool by executing this command:

./crackle -i <your_file.pcap>

In this test, the captured connection revealed that the thermostat used no encryption and the fitness tracker used LE Secure Connections. In this regard, crackle was unsuccessful in both instances. When applied to the thermostat connection the output looked like this:

Crackle thermostat.png

This is due to the fact that the thermostat connection has no encryption. Naturally, there is nothing to break. Note that you can receive a similar result if the connection uses some form of encryption but ubertooth fails to capture the respective packets. Ubertooth cannot track 100% of the transmissions. In the case of the fitness tracker the output clearly states that the device is running LE Secure Connections.

Crackle fitnesstracker.png

To show that crackle can indeed decrypt keys of Legacy Pairing connections we run the tool on the sample data provided here.

Crackle sampledata.png


The utility gatttool can be used to manipulate characteristics attribute-values. In the following we change the temperature value of the thermostat.

Connect to your device using the following command:

gatttool -b 78:A5:04:62:71:3D -I

This will give you a prompt. Type "connect" to innitiate pairing with the device:

[78:A5:04:62:71:3D][LE]> connect
Attempting to connect to 78:A5:04:62:71:3D
Connection successful

Now you can use a variety of commands to send read/write requests to your connected device:

  • characteristics will list all characteristics and their respective handles available on the device
  • char-read-hnd 25 will read the characteristics value of handle 0x0025
  • char-write-req 25 <value> will write value to handle 0x0025

Find out the handles you need to address by analyzing the captured BLE connection.

Used Hardware


File:Pentesting in IoT Bluetooth Sniffing.pdf