WiFi Pineapple Nano Basic Manual

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This documentation explain a basic workflow in the web interface of the WiFI Pineapple Nano



Step 1

In the PineAP enable the "PineAP Deamon" and the "Autostart".


  • Do a scan
  • In the Recon Scan select the device which is connected to the open wlan and add the MAC address to the filter
  • Optional: Add all probes to PineAP Pool
  • Select the target wlan SSID and add it to the pool.
  • save the recoon scan

Step 2

Check the filters


  • Go to the Filter Configuration
  • Check if the target MAC is in the filter
  • The configuration of the MAC filter should be in Allow Mode, so that just devices which are in this list are able to connect.
  • SSID Filter should be blank

Step 3

Check the PineAP settings

PineAP Settings:

In the PineAP select all boxes except "Capture SSIDs to Pool". Because we do not want that all SSIDs we found gonna be broadcasted. After that select "Save PineAP Settings".

Step 4

Force the target to connect with the Pineapple Nano via deauthentication attack.

  • Back to the Recoon page, select the saved scan or do a new one
  • select the target device
  • In the Death Multiplier enter 2 and press "Deauth"

Now, the client should be kicked and connect to the broadcasted SSID from the Pineapple Nano. Check it in the "Clients" page.

Used Hardware

Further attacks

